
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jobless Journey

Ended the 1st quarter of 2012 with a yehey - "Got Hired"! Started the 2nd quarter with the Holy Week.

God moves in mysterious ways. If you believe in Him, expect the unexpected and start dreaming!

I was jobless for almost three months. I sent resumes to some companies and was set for examinations (IQ and Technical) and interviews (Individual, Group, Phone). Applied for a Customer Service Representative in some Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies, Technical Support Staff in a local Printing company and Board Repair Specialist in a Automatic Testing Equipment -Repair (ATE) company; and guess what! I failed to be hired in any of these companies.

I thought of giving up and planned to stay at home until the first quarter of 2012 ends. One Sunday, I read the local newspaper, skipped some articles and quickly searched for the classifying adds section. I bear in mind that this job search would be the last one for this quarter. Then saw a stable BPO company looking for a Data Analyst, and to myself, OK! I will give it a try. So the following day, went to the company as a walk-in applicant, took the two hour IQ exam, In-voice exam, and the final interview; and guess what! I got hired! Hired as a Data Analyst last March 26, 2012.

And I thanked God for this opportunity!

1 comment:

Bean norelle said...

finding work is stressful and you are likely to fail, but the option of going online is always available ,for more details, kindly visit