Saturday, October 20, 2012
The Speaker
The seminar was all about managing your time by prioritizing the things/life activities that in your view it matter most. He gave life examples in most of the sub topics, I remembered that he shared about how he saved his money, strategies on when to buy and sell a certain stock, his plans in the future, achievements (like buying a Condo unit at the age of 25), and other stuffs (I forgot some of them).
A great organizer, planner and a certified goal oriented person. I can't anymore think for additional words to define this guy, he is simply amazing. One thing for sure, he can be a model to all young achievers, fresh graduates or undergraduates, poor or rich and employee or an "estamby" (Sorry for the term, can't think for a better English word for this one).
I want to end by saying, see you at the TOP Sir Ryan Buenafe!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Marriage week
I - Planning for the future rooted in self satisfaction, BUT instead of
We - Planning together for the future.
Romantic Love - Physical appreciation, desires and lust, BUT instead of
Committed Love - Staying together until death.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Don't forget to look behind the lines
Inside a train, there's an old man sitting near the window, together with his 24 years old son.
The son looking out towards the window shouted: "Dad, look the tress going behind!" His dad smiled and a young couple looked at the 24 years old guy behaving childishly with pity.
Suddenly, he again exclaimed: "Dad, look the clouds are running with us!" The couple couldn't resist and said to the old man: "Why didn't you take your son to a doctor?"
The old man smiled and said: "We've been there already. My son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today."
Lesson learned: Don't forget to look behind the lines and don't make quick judgements.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Quick NBA Update
INDIANA PACERS grabs a second round spot.
and for ORLANDO MAGIC see you again in the next season.
ATLANTA HAWKS owns game 5 versus BOSTON CELTICS but the CELTICS are still leading with a 3 - 2 standing.
Currently, the SIXERS vs BULLS and LAKERS vs NUGGETS are in their respective battlefields with a series advantage of 3 - 1 for both SIXERS and LAKERS.
Tomorrow, CLIPPERS and HEAT are hoping to get a 2nd round spot with a series advantage of 3 - 1.
Monday, April 23, 2012
St. George, Martyr
April 23 = St. George's Feast Day!
I just have less information about St. George the Martyr but I will still share it to you. Facts are still from the Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the hours.
The veneration of Saint George began as early as the fourth century at Lydda in Palestine, where a church was built in his honor. From antiquity this veneration has spread throughout both the East and the West.
Before opening a wonderful day, let's take a moment and say a prayer.
hear the prayers of those who praise your mighty power.
As Saint George was ready to follow Christ in suffering and death,
so may he be ready to help us in our weakness.
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the hours
Monday, April 9, 2012
What's special about the month of April?
For some countries, it is the start of the summer break.
Let's be productive and enjoy the month of APRIL!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Jobless Journey
God moves in mysterious ways. If you believe in Him, expect the unexpected and start dreaming!
I was jobless for almost three months. I sent resumes to some companies and was set for examinations (IQ and Technical) and interviews (Individual, Group, Phone). Applied for a Customer Service Representative in some Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies, Technical Support Staff in a local Printing company and Board Repair Specialist in a Automatic Testing Equipment -Repair (ATE) company; and guess what! I failed to be hired in any of these companies.
I thought of giving up and planned to stay at home until the first quarter of 2012 ends. One Sunday, I read the local newspaper, skipped some articles and quickly searched for the classifying adds section. I bear in mind that this job search would be the last one for this quarter. Then saw a stable BPO company looking for a Data Analyst, and to myself, OK! I will give it a try. So the following day, went to the company as a walk-in applicant, took the two hour IQ exam, In-voice exam, and the final interview; and guess what! I got hired! Hired as a Data Analyst last March 26, 2012.
And I thanked God for this opportunity!
Monday, April 2, 2012
St. Francis of Paola, Hermit
Saint Francis was born at Paola in Calabria in 1416. He founded a congregation of hermits, which was later entitled the Order of Minims, and approved by the Apostolic See in 1506. He died at Tours in France in 1507.
Let's start the day by praying and asking for guidance.
Father of the lowly,
you raised Saint Francis of Paola
to the glory of your saints.
By his example and prayers,
may we come to the rewards
you have promised the humble
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of Hours
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor

Saint Peter Damian was born at Ravenna in 1007. After completing his studies he began to teach, but soon abandoned this and entered the hermitage of Fonte Avellana where, once elected prior, he promoted the religious life with such fervor that all of Italy was affected by his renewal. During calamitous times he helped the Roman Pontiffs through his works and writings and by various missions on behalf of Church reform. He was created bishop and cardinal of Ostia by Pope Stephen IX. Peter Damian died in 1072 and soon afterward was venerated as a saint.
All-powerful God,help us to follow the teachings and example of Peter Damian.
By making Christ and the service of his Church
the first love of our lives,
may we come to the joys of eternal light,
where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of Hours
Catholicseeking - Thanks for the picture
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Seven Founders of the Order of Servites

This day is the commemoration of the Seven Founders of the Order of Servites. Here's a brief knowledge about the Seven Founders of the Order of Servites from the Christian Prayer: Liturgy of the Hours - Proper of Saints.
Seven men, born at Florence, began a life on Monte Senario with a particular veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Later they preached throughout Tuscany and founded the Order of Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary, approved by the Holy See in 1304. Alexis Falconieri, one of the seven, died on this day in 1310.
Another information from
Two of them were widowers and two were still married and brought their families to live together in faith.
They meant to live in solitude, but the group was continually disturbed by visitors. They all left Florence and went to Monte Senario. In 1244, under the direction of St. Peter of Verona, O.P., this group adopted a religious habit similar to the Dominicans and chose to live in accord with the Rule of St. Augustine. They adopted the name of the Servants of Mary.
The men were beatified on December 1, 1717 and canonized in 1887. The original founders were the following:
Saint Alexis Falconieri
Saint Bartholomew degli Amidei
Saint Benedict dell’Antella
Saint Buonfiglio Monaldi
Saint Gherardino Sostegni
Saint Hugh dei Lippi-Uguccioni
Saint John Buonagiunta Monetti
Let's not forget to pray to them and ask for protection and strength.
Lord,fill us with the LOVE
which inspired the seven holy brothers
to honor the mother of God with special devotion
and to lead your people to you.
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of Hours
Saturday, March 10, 2012
St. Scholastica, Virgin

Before we close the day, let's pray to St. Scholastica, virgin as we celebrate her feast day.
A short background about St. Scholastica.
Saint Scholastica, a sister of Saint Benedict, was born in Nursia, Italy about the year 480. She vowed herself to God and followed her brother to Monte Cassino. She died there around the year 547.
Lord,as we recall the memory of Saint Scholastica,
we ask that by her example
we may serve you with love and obtain perfect joy.
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of Hours
Joyfilledfamily - Thanks for the Picture
Friday, March 9, 2012
KONY 2012
Clue: It's a FOUR-lettered word with a year number. It's KONY 2012!
I saw the video about KONY 2012 after watching the Sports-news about Lionel Messi, a football player who made an amazing five goals - career high in a single game. After the video, an advertisement about KONY 2012 appeared with a link directing you to the KONY 2012 video.
Want to know what KONY 2012 is?
Some said that it's a scam.
We can't say it is or it isn't.
Either of the two, the most important thing is, it educates people around the world about KONY and his doings.
So! What is KONY 2012 all about?
Here's a summary about KONY 2012.
If your not contented with the summary and want to see the official KONY 2012, here's the half hour video. Enjoy!
Let's support the KONY 2012 by spreading it to your family, friends, school and community.
It is just FAIR to let the WORLD know about KONY.
What is KONY 2012?
KONY 2012 - Official
Thursday, March 8, 2012
St. Jerome Emiliani

It's his FEAST DAY!
Honestly I don't know much about St. Jerome Emiliani. I have read some information about him that he was in the military and later devoted himself to serve needy people. He is also the patron of abandoned people.
Anyway, here's a short information about St. Jerome Emiliani from Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of Hours.
St. Jerome was born at Venice in 1486. He first embraced the military life but later dedicated himself to helping the poor, distributing to them his own possessions. He founded the Order of Clerks Regular of Somascha, which supported orphan boys and the poor. Jerome died at Somascha in the Bergamese District in 1537.
God of mercy,you chose Jerome Emiliani
to be a father and friend of orphans.
May his prayers keep us faithful
to the Spirit we have received,
who makes us your children.
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of Hours
Bronzedshoe - Thanks for the Picture
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Norwegian Recycling Mash-ups
This is the first video I saw from their works and I want to share it with you. Titled "How Six Songs Collide" by Norwegian Recycling.
For more Norwegian Recycling Songs, you can click the link below.
Hope you like it.
Norwegian Recycling
Monday, March 5, 2012
Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

Today we celebrate the commemoration of St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr.
Saint Agatha suffered martyrdom at Catania in Sicily, probably during the persecution of Decius. From antiquity her cult spread throughout the Church; her name was therefore inserted into the Roman Canon.
Lord,let your forgiveness be won for us
by the pleading of Saint Agatha,
who found favor with you by her chastity
and by her courage in suffering death for the gospel.
Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of Hours
Sing a Song of Murder - Thanks for the Picture
Saturday, March 3, 2012
The upcoming Hunger Games
Well there are plenty of awesome movies to be released this month. However, I am waiting for a certain movie named Hunger Games.
Heres a little background about the said movie.
The Hunger Games is an upcoming science fiction action-drama film directed by Gary Ross. It stars Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Elizabeth Banks, Liam Hemsworth, and Woody Harrelson. It is scheduled to be released on March 23, 2012. The movie is based from a young adult novel written by Suzanne Collins which was originally published in hardcover on September 14, 2008, by Scholastic.
This is The Hunger Games Official Trailer linked in Enjoy!
I am SUPER excited to watch this movie! Can't wait to see it.
If you want to read the story in the book before watching the movie. You can purchase in, just click the link below.
Don't forget The Hunger Games on March 23, 2012.
Credits: - The Hunger Games Official Trailer - The Hunger Games (Film) - The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games Official Website
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Cabal PH - Blader Guide
As promised, I will post a Cabal Ph – Blader Guide before February 2012 ends. Since my first and main character is a Blader and I am confident enough to share with you what I have learned about the nature of the Bladers. I started playing Cabal Ph since 2012, approximately two years ago.
This is a competitive Blader guide. I am just an average Cabal Ph player who wants to share what I know about a Blader. In this guide I will try to educate you the way I used my Blader in PVE (Player versus Environment or Monsters), differences between a STR and DEX type, Blader’s stats, skills and items, and as a Dungeon killer.
Keep in mind that English is not my native language, so feel free to point any mistakes on the text. Good luck and enjoy the guide.
Bladers are melee type characters and wields either two blades, two katanas or a blade and katana (Lefthand or Righthand, viseversa). They wear Martial set which gives a good defence rate and is recommended for PVE. Higher defence rate = Bigger chance in Evading.
Starting Stats
Bladers have a starting balance stats in STR (Strength) and DEX (Dexterity). They say that Bladers are good in PVP (Player versus Player) and PVE (Player versus Environment or Monsters) because they have EXCELLENT attack and defence rate and GOOD attack and defence.
Effects of each stat point
One of my objectives in making this guide is to clarify the differences between a STR and DEX type. If you are aiming for a level 180 then you will notice something different when you reach level 100, the system will not give you anymore a stat guide for the upcoming rank-up. Rank-up stat guide is always given each time you reach a level by 10s – meaning every level 10, 20, 30, 40, and so on. Rank-up stat guide also helps you in your stats distribution, without the stat guide you won’t know how many STR, INT and DEX you need to upgrade. So I asked my guild mates and friends that are high level bladers, I asked for suggestions on how would I distribute my stats perfectly without any mistake since I don’t like to waste my extract points. Majority of them asked me if I want to be a PVP or PVE Blader type, and they added that if I want to be a PVP type, I must have an enough DEX and INT for my weapon and set and the rest of the stats goes to STR while in a PVE type, I must have a sufficient STR and INT for my weapon and set and the rest goes to DEX. So, I decided to be a PVE type since I like to go to dungeons to hunt for rare items and I know that a PVE type has a good defence rate since it’s a PURE DEX. BUT! Looking the table above gives you the real effects of each stat point; notice that STR and DEX has the SAME effect in Attack, Defence, Attack and Defence rate (Disregard Magic since Bladers are not magic users). Even do your a PURE STR or DEX it won’t matter for a Blader, the stat STR and DEX the just the same. I conclude that there are NO PVP and PVE type of Bladers, it depends on the weapon, set and accessories that makes a Blader a PVP or PVE type. I hope that this information helps!
Skills and Upgrades
I am currently a level 151 and these are the skills that I am using right now.
For Attack:
Lighting Slash – 9
Death Tempest – 9
Blade Cry – 9
Twin – Moon Slash – 9
Blade Scud – 20
Vital Interfere – 20
Force Kick – 20
Assault – 20
Storm Grind – 20
Impact Stab – 20
Double Slash – 20
Buffs: (all are in level 20)
Soul Blade
Aura Barrier
Iron Skin
Mirage Step
Intense Blade
Art of Fierceness
Instant Immunity
Field of Fear (Debuff)
Dash – 9
Resist Intension – 20
Regeneration – 4
Vitality Mastery – 10 (+589 HP)
Offensive Sense – 8 (+45 Attack)
Defensive Sense – 8 (+32 Defence)
Damage Absorb – 3 (+55 Defence)
Sixth Sense – 3 (+798 Defence Rate)
Impact Control – 3 (+104 Attack)
PVE and PVP skill patterns
Here are my skills used in PVE and PVP in pattern. (In order)
Lighting Slash – Area effect skill
Death Tempest – Area effect skill
Vital Interfere – Stun enemies
Assault – for boxes and instant teleport with attack to the target
Blade Scud – Back-up skill and also an area effect skill
Vital Interfere – Stun enemies
Double Stash – Fast skill
Impact Stab – Fast skill
Storm Grind – Down
Assault – Fast skill
Lighting Slash – Great Damage
Impact Stab – Fast skill
Vital Interfere – Stun enemies
Storm Grind – Down
The PVE pattern is good in high level maps and dungeons because majority of them are area effect skills and when you are in a dungeon try to equip a single Force Absorb Ring +2 this will help you survive. My PVP pattern is a Super Fast Skill pattern, when using a combo expect for a fast movement in the combo bar and you need to practice its timing in order to eliminate your enemy without sweat. HAHAHAHAHA.
Hope that this short and direct guide will help you. Comments, suggestions and add-ons are ALWAYS welcome. Have a NICE DAY, ENJOY and GOD BLESS!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Cabal PH - Episode 8
So I went to the official Cabal PH website and I would like to share what I found in there.
Basically, Episode 8 are composed of the following:
New Features and Additions
Changes and Corrections
Bug Fixes
Regarding its new features, there are many additions but the most awaited one is the Battle Mode 3 (BM3) with its new appearance and upgrades. Its too bad that we can't immediately have the BM3 like the rest of the Battle Mode because in order to gain a BM3 you need to complete the required crafting materials, and as far as I know the said materials are not that easy to obtain. So Goodluck in getting the BM3!
Another addition is the increase of the MAX level from level 180 to 190, so this means that we can have 50 additional stats if we reach level 190. New added DX Dungeon called Hazardous Valley where you can loot the new Ring of Luck +3, Critical Ring +3 and Epaulet +8.
Regarding about the changes, There will be changes in Quests, Character level capacity (Like what I said above), Extracting system, Warp code, Chaos lamp, Agent shops and Many MORE.
For more information and specifics about the Episode 8, I recommend you to read the updates in Cabal PH website. The link is posted below. By the way, Episode 8 will be available this coming March!
Cabal Episode 8: Part 1
Cabal Episode 8: Part 2
Friday, February 17, 2012
Busy Week
Here are the list on what I did,
Updating my current applications in different companies.
Took a two and a half hour IQ test, and luckily I qualified.
Had my first ever in-voice examination. After the exam the facilitator said its a YES!
Went to a Health center to process my medical examination. YEHEY!
This means that Saturday and Sunday will be a WHOLE day REST day.
Thank you Lord for giving me this kind of experience!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Important Health Tips
- No cold drinks with fatty foods.
- Don't take vitamins with cold water.
- Drink more water in the morning, less at night.
- Avoid huge meals after 5PM
- Don't lie down right after taking medicine
- Best sleeping time is from 10PM - 4AM to regenerate good cells.
- Answer cellphone by left ear.
- When power/signal is down to last bar, don't answer your cellular phone as radiation is 1,000 times stronger.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Whitney Houston
I may not be a BIG fan of her but her song "I Have Nothing" and "I Will Always Love You" will be remembered forever.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
15 ways to keep a relationship working
2. Don't lie.
3. Keep communication open.
4. When you got hurt, just forgive and forget.
5. Stay with.
6. Never talk about break-ups.
7. Never say its OK even its not.
8. Forget about PRIDE.
9. If you say sorry, mean it.
10. Don't talk about your stupid EX's
11. Don't compare your past to your present.
12. Give and take process.
13. Be aware of his/her feeling.
14. When you had a fight, don't let the day pass without being fine.
15. Don't be the PERFECT one, instead be the RIGHT one.
Cabal Philippines
I will start with my main character - Blader and focus on its Stat build, Skill build and its new updates.
So keep in touch.